Monday, December 04, 2006

Rolla Out the Barrel

I lost the race by five measly seconds. Usually we rushed away from Rolla, not toward it. But with the winter storm blanketing the Midwest in ice and littering the roads with wrecked vehicles, police shut down parts of the highway between Springfield and Saint Louis. As a result, Kelly could not make the Saturday trip. But then Sunday came, and with the opened highways, we decided on a rendezvous (big chuckle) at our midway point. She crossed the finish line just before I did. I guess she wanted to see me sooner- that’s how sweet she is.

A few minutes after we arrived in the parking lot of Panera, our usual hangout in Rolla, we drove to Fort Leonard Wood and lunched at Cracker Barrel, a favorite of Kelly’s. I never ate there in my life until now, but I enjoyed the change from the burgers and fries I usually consumed. Our date then took us to Wal-Mart where we bought a few Christmas gifts, including the “K” tree for my apartment which I had no intension of decorating. I planned on being away for the holiday and saw no need for all the fuss, but Kelly and I will be exchanging gifts prior to her and Kristine’s flight home to New Jersey and opening presents around a houseplant just wouldn’t be the same. Unfortunately, after I get back to Saint Louis, I need decorations for the tree. I believe they're located between menswear and automotive.

We ended the night around 6:30PM after some hot chocolate, or “cocoa” as Kelly called it, which made me smile, and we kissed good-bye in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. I loved that simple evening with her. I guess I won after all.

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